Thursday, November 30, 2006


Before I am begin.......I would have most likely NOT typed this entry if lil' missus Cookie Aarthi hadn't asked me.hehe

Anyway, again I did nothing important in the past two day. Learned poker yesterday and boy its one heck of a complicated game, but Its fun....again, FUN. Then I watched two videos about poker. The first one being Official Poker Card Stunts And the second on being Weapons of the Card Shark. WoW...I love those Videos, good cheating resource for any poker player wannabe.

GOt the DVD superman returns and just finished watching it. Was to go to school to give poovitha her some NPPC badge but had to go to my cousins place intead, (sorry Poovitha)

Aarthi( boy, u are indeed one tough cookie) is crapping abt poker even at this instance as I am typing this articel. ( take its easily aarthi, I am a crapper too.:0)

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