Friday, November 17, 2006

The Beach!!!

Yesterday Kumar, Karthick, Joleyn, Jaya, me and Her Cookieness Aarthi went to the beach. It was at first supposed to sort of a class outing but only about half the people turned up, this made most of us feel that it was going to be boring but guess what, it was the exact opposed, we had great fun.

Joelyn was the first to get wet, then it was the Cookie's turn, after a few minutes of being dunked into the water by us, what was a tough Cookie became, well, a soggy one. Karthick started swimming in the water and it ws during this time when we were pushing the girls and karthick into the water, Me, kumar and Jaya did not get wet until the girls left to fetch Vinoth and Ariffin.

We ate some snacks while there and Cookie's Sandwiches tasted quite good.

When the girls left, the target was no longer Karthick or the girls but ME. Jaya pushed me into the water and dunked me a little bit and then Kumar had his turn. So, in others words the last man standing(the others were swimming) was Jaya.

The girls came back with Vinoth and Ariffin but those two didn't take part much in the activities.
Then we spend time swimming around trying to go as deep as we could. We left at about 6.30.

Overall had a fun and enjoyable day.

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